Awareness, Access, and Advocacy for Minimally Invasive Image-guided Procedures (MIIPs)
Scratch Pads for Patients
Often clinicians draw pictures for patients when discussing a procedure, but we are not all artists. Our Scratch Pads are note pads with relevant anatomy that can be drawn on and given to patients to take home.
Patient Experience Podcast
Podcast series in collaboration with BackTable Podcast to raise awareness about minimally invasive image guided treatment options. Patients share their experiences - what they were told (or not told), how was the recovery, and their advice for clinicians and patients.
The Docu-Series
Our award winning Without a Scalpel docu-series highlights the life changing world of minimally invasive image-guided procedures and the people impacted by them. Check out the trailer for Episode 5, featuring the work of Road2IR increasing access to MIIPs in eastern Africa.
Decision Aids for Patients
We develop evidence-based tools and opportunities to raise awareness of MIIPs among patients and referring clinicians. Our high-quality Patient Decisions Aids (PDAs) are free online. Printed versions can be ordered for a small cost.