What happens after the procedure?
Your clinician will monitor you for several hours or overnight. It is very common to pass blood in your urine after the procedure. This usually clears up over time.
You will go home with instructions on how to care for your drain. The tube will need to be changed regularly, usually every 8-12 weeks.
Symptoms you may notice:
You may feel groggy from the medicines used during the procedure to keep you comfortable. Headache and nausea may occur but usually do not last longer than 12-24 hours.
You may have soreness and bruising around the wound.
How do I take care of my kidney drain?
Your clinician may tell you to flush the drain while the blood clears from your urine. If so, you will be taught how to do this.
Empty the bag often.
Leave the dressing on for 24 hours, then you
may remove and shower.
Clean the area around the drain gently with
mild soap and water. Pat it dry.
Do not soak the wound (bath or pool) while you
have a kidney drain.
Replace the dressings after bathing and
whenever they get wet or dirty. Once the area has healed, you may choose not to use dressings.
Do not put any creams or medicines on the wound.
Fasten or cover the tube so it does not get caught on anything or pulled out. Fasten the bag using leg straps or safety pins.
When should I call my clinician or 911?
Fever of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher
Worsening fever, chills, or pain
Redness, swelling, or pain around the tube
Leaking of fluid around the tube
The tube falls out, pulls back, or is damaged or leaking (do NOT try to replace it or fix it yourself)