What happens after my procedure?
You can go home after being observed for a few hours. We will follow up with you in the clinic to see how you responded to the treatment.
Leave the dressing on for 24 hours, then you may remove it and shower.
Do not put any creams or medicines on the wound.
Replace bandage until the wound is closed, usually 24-48 hours.
You may drive yourself in 24 hours
Do not soak the wound (bath or pool) until it is healed (around 72 hours).
No exercise or exertion until the wound is healed (around 72 hours)
Symptoms you may notice:
You may feel groggy from the medicines used to keep you comfortable. Headache and nausea may occur but usually do not last longer than 12-24 hours.
You may have soreness and bruising around the wound.
You may have scrotal pain/swelling. You can use heat/cold packs and over-the-counter painkillers approved by your clinician.
You may benefit from pelvic floor physical therapy following this procedure. Ask your clinician if you are a candidate and if so, for a referral.
When to call you clinician or 911?
Fever of 101°F (38.3°C) or higher
New pain, swelling, bleeding or skin changes in your neck or leg
Sudden trouble breathing or shortness of breath
Uncontrollable pain in your scrotum